Postcard 018
Sender: UnknownAddressee: Miss Lillian Maguire, c/o Luyties Homo. Phar., Co., St. Louis, Mo
Postmark: Milwaukee, WIS
Date: September 3, 1907
Image: Public Library, Wauwatosa, WIS
The Public Library in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin in the early 1900s - today it is housed in a much larger, very modern facility.
Who sent Miss Lillian this postal with no message? And to her work address no less. Could be from a co-worker, perhaps a traveling salesman? Friend or acquaintance? Your guess is good as mine, unless we can match the handwriting to a postcard with the sender's signature. At least we know that Lillian still has her job!
That old library building is so beautiful! If only libraries looked like that today.
the Middle Sister and Singer
I agree, it is a gorgeous building! I love that style. It would have been grand to have taken a tour of the inside.